WaMSS Information System

The first essential step in implementing Water Demand Management or Water Conservation is reliable measurements.  Water measurement is N&Z’s core business so we can assist your implementation program.

We specialize in Water Demand Management: Our “plug and play” WaMSS software collects flow, level and water quality data, analyses it and automatically presents actionable information. This turnkey single-supplier solution includes Isoil battery powered mag flow meters, ATI remote battery powered water quality sensors and FLP4 battery powered smart loggers. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), water balance/water loss and reservoir level management are typical applications of the WaMSS solution. Our on-site services include verification of flow meters, flow surveys, commissioning, maintenance contracts and flow logging.

Water Management Software System (WaMSS)

Our WaMSS Water Management System is a complete, integrated remote measurement information system provided by a single supplier.

It is ideal for Water Demand Management, Water Conservation, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Automatic Water Quality Monitoring and Reservoir Level Management. It enables efficient service delivery, accurate billing and improved cash flow.

Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)

The following will be derived from the system:

  • Daily update of flow trends and flow totals;

  • Information from flow trend assist with water loss and burst pipe management;

  • Flow trends as well as pressure trends to assist with Water Demand Management;

  • Close monitoring of water usage by all consumers;

  • Reservoir level trends;

  • Enhanced monitoring accuracy and reliability for leak detection, leak management, water conservation and demand management.

WaMSS Scada Web based system

You always have reliable flow, billing and maintenance information at your fingertips.

  1. Isoil battery powered magnetic flow meter with built-in GPRS data transmission.
  2. Mechanical flow meter.
  3. Water quality monitor. MetriNet
  4. Smart loggers with built-in GPRS data, is an essential component of web-based Remote
  5. Data transmission via GPRS on the GSM network.
  6. WaMSS Scada System. Web based.
  7. Reports are automatically compiled and
  8. Emailed according to user’s schedule.
  9. Management has key information at their fingertips and can compile adhoc reports.
  10. Users receive regular alarms and regular reports so they can take action quickly.
  11. Android and iPhone App. The “WaMSS ‒ DASH” Android App gives fast access to the latest trends and data for all your meters on the WaMSS Scada. 
  12. Data Relay to other applications.

Dashboard reports for management oversight

Dashboard reports consist of the current weekʼs trends for multiple meters in a single report. It is ideal for management oversight as it enables you to quickly identify situations requiring management attention.

Dashboard reports for management oversight is compiled by our WaMSS software information system. The WaMSS Scada is a simple-to-use tool for login, planning and implementation. It delivers continual performance monitoring, tending and automatically emails reports of key performance parameters. You can quickly compile special reports.

Flow Trend

While WaMSS has been developed for water management it is fully flexible for use in industrial applications where you need to record and display trends of any measurement. The system provides a pre-formatted template for each meter. The template provides for one or two graphs. Up to 4 variables can be displayed on each graph. The graph titles and the variables can be assigned any names or units that you choose.”

Meter reading for Remote Sites

Meter reading in remote areas are made easy with meter reading reports. GSM modems are connected to the meters and setup up to compile reports needed by the user.

Automatic Meter Reading consists of the following:

  • Daily update of flow trends and flow totals;

  • Information from flow trend assist with water loss and burst pipe management;

  • Flow trends as well as pressure trends to assist with Water Demand Management;

  • Close monitoring of water usage by all consumers;

  • Reservoir level trends;

  • Enhanced monitoring accuracy and reliability for leak detection, leak management, water conservation and demand management.

Water Loss Report

  • You create your “zones” simply by selecting “incoming” and “outgoing” flow meters from a dropdown list.
  • On demand you can view this report at any time. You can select your time window
  • You can set up reports to be generated

Water Balance Report

N&Zʼs WaMSS system produces Water Balance Diagrams based on IWA guidelines. Actual metered flows are sent from our battery powered mag meters, or  from existing mechanical meters with GPRS or satellite loggers.

The flow measurements are automatically fed into the Water Balance diagrams. All you have to do is a manual entry your estimates of “un-billed, un-metered use”, “leakage on transmission and distribution mains” etc., as a percentage of the System Input or as absolute values.

These diagrams are produced automatically for any time window that you choose and
are automatically e-mailed.

Water Balance Trend

The Water Balance above gives you a picture of the situation for the time interval that you select. Itʼs also important to visualize how the system performance changes over time. The WaMSS produces a water balance trend on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis where these critical performance indexes are automatically graphed

Reservoir Level

Reservoir level measurement and management is an essential part of reliable water delivery to users. The level sensor connects to the Isoil battery powered magnetic flow meter or WAMSlog Smart Logger. The level measurement is sent by GPRS to the WaMSS Scada.

The Scada trends the reservoir level, as well as water in-flow and Out-flow. The reservoirs on the Scada display are grouped by region, or by those which are in alarm, e.g. too foil (overflowing) or too empty (too low)

Reservoir Level Trends with in-flow and out-flow trends gives you the information you need to manage and optimise your water delivery to customers.

Antenna and Battery Levels

Monitoring Antenna and Battery levels are essential to insure the meter is running optimally and the reports are accurately sent to the user. Alarms will be set to alert the user of failing batteries or antennas.

These system reports are automatically setup to ensure optimal service and to ensure arrangements are made to replace and faulty equipment.


The “WaMSS ‒ DASH” Android App gives fast access to the latest trends and data for all your meters on the WaMSS Scada. You can also email standard WaMSS trends and data reports.

  • WaMSS ‒ DASH for top management; Instant access to your latest meter trends anywhere, anytime.
  • WaMSS ‒ DASH for technicians; When on site at the meter, perform a “data send”. Within minutes this latest data is available on WaMSS – DASH.

So you can check out the meter while on site without a laptop!

Isoil Verification Report

The Isoil battery powered mag flow meters have a built-in verification system to monitor meter health. Key internal variables are measured hourly and presented by the WaMSS in trend and tabular format. The trend allows quick verification that the meter is within tolerance. Any decline in meter health is normally detected early without going to site.

Water Quality Management

MetriNet measures water quality at remote sites and transmits the data to the WaMSS.
It also measures up to 8 parameters; each parameter is measured by its own node which can be calibrated in your laboratory and simply plug into the MetriNet on site.

WaMSS Smart Logger

The FLP4 WaMSS Log is a battery powered Smart Logger for flow, level, pressure, etc. It is an essential component of web based Remote Monitoring or Water Demand Management solutions