Water Quality and Analytical

The quality of water is determined by taking measurements or by taking samples of water and testing them for a range of chemicals and particles.

The most important water quality test is bacteria. Bacteria can have very negative effects on human health and the food we eat.

Conventional Water Quality Analysers

ATI has been a leading manufacturer of reliable water quality monitors for more than two decades. There is an extensive installed base of ATI monitors at Water Boards and municipalities in South Africa, supplied by N&Z and with strong support from the ATI factory.

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Smart Water Quality Analysers - Remote or Local

The MetriNet system is ideal for measuring water quality at remote sites and transmitting the data to our WaMSS Scada or other software. MetriNet measures up to 8 parameters; each parameter is measured by its own node which can be calibrated in your laboratory and simply plug into the MetriNet on site.

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Toxic and Combustible gas detectors

Advanced smart sensor technology

Each of ATi’s smart sensor modules is a sensor, amplifier and memory module in one compact package. Sensor modules can be calibrated independently and simply plugged into any of our smart detectors for immediate use.

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Boiler feed Water Analyser

On-line measurements have become increasingly important in managing the quality of boiler feed water.

Thermo Scientific’s range of analysers is designed to meet your critical measurement needs for contaminants such as sodium, silica and calcium hardness.

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O² Zirconia Analyser

Zirconia Oxygen Analysers Affordable O2 Monitoring

Continuous measurement of oxygen concentration in combustion or exhaust gases can improve fuel efficiency and minimise the environmental impact of industrial boilers and furnaces. Fuji, a long-standing manufacturer of gas analysers, supplies a low-cost and robust oxygen analyser for these applications.

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Enviromental Gas Analyser

Fuji Gas Analysers features high accuracy, multiple functions and simple operations. They are easy to maintain and offer excellent long-term stability. For example, a typical NDIR gas analyser can measure CO/CO2, or SO2/NOx. With the additional of zirconia oxygen detector, up to three gases can be accurately monitored simultaneously.

In-Line Bacterial Scanner

This bacterial imaging system detects and automatically counts all bacteria in a flow of water or other liquids in real time. It gives accurate, repeatable and continuous measurements of total count of all bacteria and micro-particles at 1 minute intervals. This is achieved through its in-line sampling configuration, extremely fast water imaging and advanced AI algorithm.

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