Implementing Water Demand Management and Water Conservation

The first and essential step in implementing Water Demand Management or Water Conservation is to understand what is happening: this requires reliable measurements. 

Priority Measurements and analysis:

  1. Water flow metering.
  2. Water balances.
  3. Water loss analysis
  4. Non-metered water.
  5. Identify faulty water meters.
  6. Water levels in reservoirs, rivers, dams, lakes and boreholes.
  7. Water quality measurement especially pH, conductivity, turbidity, chlorine, ammonia and bacteria.
  8. Water pipe line pressure.
  9. Accurate and Frequent billing.        
Implementing Water Demand Management and Water Conservation
Automatic Meter Reading

N&Z supplies proven measurement solutions for implementing water demand management and water conservation:

  1. Automatic Remote Flow Meter Reading using battery powered flow meters, or Smart loggers attached to existing mechanical meters (AMR).
  2. WaMSS Scada system processes water measurements and provides critical information for reporting, management and planning:
  • Flow totals for management and billing.
  • Monthly water consumption reports.
  • Flow trends.
  • Line pressure trends.
  • Water loss reports.
  • IWA Water Balance.
  • Reservoir level trends.

This information is supplied by automated, emailed reports; on your Android cell; and by case-by-case analysis.

  1. Flow metering in open channels and partially filled pipes.
  2. Insertion flow meters for quick installations without stopping the water flow and emptying the pipe.
  3. Clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters for permanent installations, flow surveys and for checking the accuracy of existing flow meters.
  4. Examining flow trends to identify areas of high water loss and pipe bursts.
  5. Water quality measurement; pH, conductivity, turbidity, chlorine, ammonia and bacteria.
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Automatic Meter Reading

N&Z can assist your implementation program.

Water Conservation and Water Demand Management are challenging but essential operations.  In our country we simply have to use water efficiently, distribute it efficiently and minimise loss. Reliable measurement and information presentation is the first step.